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Club Constitution




The name of the “CLUB” shall be the Bolton Skating Club, hereinafter called the Club.


The Club shall be a member of Skate Canada.

The Club shall pay such fees and such other charges as shall be required of clubs by Skate Canada. 


The territory of the Club shall be defined as the Town of Caledon and surrounding areas.

a) The purpose for which the Club is formed shall be the promotion, fostering and encouragement of figure skating and all legitimate activities in connection therewith; the promotion of facilities for the furtherance thereof; the promotion of the best interests of the members of the Club; and of friendly fellowship amongst them.

b) The Club, with respect to any aspect of figure skating, is to be managed and operated by eligible persons, who are duly registered as Associate members of Skate Canada.

c) The Club shall protect the eligible status of its members.  The Club shall not take or omit any action that would knowingly jeopardize the eligible status of its members.

a) The By-Laws, appended to this Constitution, shall describe the organization and functions of the Club, and the means by which members of the Club may elect the Club Executive, and control the property and activities of the Club.

b) The Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada and those of the Section in which the Club Executive operates shall take precedence over any Club By-Laws.

c) Any By-Law contrary to the Rules of Skate Canada and those of the Section shall be invalid.

d) Skate Canada reserves the right of refusal of any amendment.  Such refusal shall only be made if the intent of such amendment is to violate in principle, or spirit, any Skate Canada rule.


By-Law 1.  Membership in the Club shall be open to all, irrespective of age, sex, creed or color.  Applications for membership of persons under the age of 18 must be endorsed by the applicant’s parent or legal guardian.
By-Law 2.  All members shall uphold, observe and conform to the Rules of Skate Canada and the By-Laws of the Club and such regulations as set forth from time to time by the Executive of the Club.

By-Law 3.  All members of the Club shall be registered with Skate Canada and pay such registration fees to the Association as set forth in the Skate Canada Rulebook.

By-Law 4.  To be considered a member in good standing, all members of the Club must have applied in writing on a form supplied by the Club for such a purpose, and signed by the applicant, or if under 18 years of age, their parent or legal guardian, accompanied by the prescribed membership fee, such Club fees as are stipulated by the Executive of the Club.

By-Law 5.  Members in arrears will not be permitted to take part in any Club activity.  If any arrears are not paid within 30 days of the date set for payment, such members shall be considered as having terminated their membership.

By-Law 6.  Fees, skating rules and skating hours shall be as the Executive decides from time to time.  Club membership shall commence on the first day of Skate Canada skating year September 1st, or on the date that fees are paid, and terminate on the last day of Skate Canada year, August 31st.

By-Law 7.  The Executive may, by written notice, terminate membership of a member for acting contrary to the Rules and Regulations of Skate Canada or the Club.  The Executive shall give to the individual a written explanation for the termination of membership upon request.  The individual, if he so desires, shall have the right of appeal to the Executive and to a General Meeting of members.

By-Law 8.  The Classes of Membership, eligibility and privileges shall be as follows:

A. INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP:  Non-skating members who have paid the fees set by the Club and are Associate Members of Skate Canada  Individual members of legal age shall be entitled to one vote.  The number of individual members of the Club shall not exceed twenty at any one time.

B. ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP:  All eligible skaters who have paid the fees as set forth by the Club, and are Associate Members of Skate Canada are entitled to participate in all the privileges of the Club.  All Active Members, 18 years and over, have one vote each.  Underage Active Members have no vote, but are represented by Special Members, as in ( C ).

C. SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP:  Parent or legal guardian of legally underage Active Members who are Associate Members of Skate Canada, who have paid the fees as set by the Club.

D. PARTIAL MEMBERSHIP:  An eligible skater who is an Associate Member of Skate Canada, and who has paid a reduced fee as set by the Club.  The acceptance and conditions of each partial membership application shall be reviewed and voted on by the Executive.

E. HONOURARY MEMBERSHIP:  Yearly Honorary Membership may be granted to a person of legal age, and an eligible member in good standing, who has rendered outstanding service to the Club.  This person shall be nominated by a majority of the Board of Directors, and the title conferred by a majority vote at the Annual General Meeting.  Honorary membership shall carry all the privileges of a member in good standing, and shall be entitled to one vote.  They shall be exempt from dues, and shall have no interest in the assets of the Club.

By-Law 9.  The Club shall not be responsible for any damages, injury, or loss of property to any member, guest or visitor to the Club, regardless of the reason or nature of such damage, injury or loss; and further, every member, guest or visitor shall use the Club facilities at his or her own risk.  The Club shall participate in Skate Canada Club Liability Insurance program ( Rule 1503 ( c )).

By-Law 10.  The Nominating Committee is responsible for selecting at least a full slate of candidates for election to Club Office.  Other nominations may be made by any member in good standing before the Annual General Meeting, in addition to nominations from the floor at the Annual General Meeting.  Each nominee must indicate acceptance prior to the commencement of elections.  The Nominating Committee shall have at least two members from the current Executive and two members from the general membership.

By-Law 11.  The general management of the Club shall be vested in an Executive consisting of the Immediate Past President, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and 6 members at large, as well as a coaching representative.  All of the above, with the exception of the Past President and the coaching representative, shall be elected every year at the Annual General Meeting, held each spring.

By-Law 12.  The Executive shall hold office until the close of the meeting at which their successors have been duly elected.

By-Law 13.  Casual vacancies occurring in the Executive may be filled by members appointed through a majority vote of the Executive until the next Annual General Meeting of the Club following the occurrence of the vacancy, at which time the vacancy shall be filled by nomination and ballot, or in the case of the coaching representative, by the coaching staff.

By-Law 14.  A review of the financial transactions of the Club shall be made each year by an Accountant designated by the Executive, and the audited statement shall be made available to the membership of the Club.

By-Law 15.  The Delegate to Skate Canada shall be appointed annually by the Executive.  The Delegate need not be a member of the Executive.  Skate Canada National Office shall be advised of the name of the appointed delegate.

By-Law 16.  The PRESIDENT shall act as Chairman of all executive and general meetings, and perform such other duties as are necessarily incidental to the Office of the President.  In his/her absence, this duty shall be filled by the Vice-President.  If the President and Vice-President are both absent, then a Chairman shall be chosen from amongst the members present.  Questions arising at meetings of the Club shall be decided by a majority of votes, and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairman shall cast the deciding vote.  The President shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees.

By-Law 17.  The VICE-PRESIDENT shall be responsible for all properties of the Club, and maintain a complete inventory thereof; also, to learn the duties of the President.

By-Law 18.  The TREASURER shall be responsible for the safe control of all Club funds, which shall be credited to the Club’s credit in a chartered bank, as designated by the Executive.  All cheques and legal documents shall be signed by any two of the President, Secretary and the Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall collect the fees of the members, keep a correct account of all monies belonging to the Club, and keep such records as are required for audit.  All disbursements of Club funds shall be by Club cheque or other auditable documents.

By-Law 19:  The SECRETARY shall be the person responsible for all correspondence pertaining to the affairs of the Club, subject to the approval of the President or his/her delegate.  The Secretary shall also keep and have charge of the Minute Books of the Club, post and give notices of executive or general meetings, keep records and accurate minutes of the proceedings of the Club meetings, as well as a file containing minutes of all Committee meetings as prepared by a member of the Committee, and shall be responsible for submitting to Skate Canada and Section such reports as are required by Skate Canada Rules or other regulations.

By-Law 20:  The REGISTRAR shall be the person responsible for receiving, recording and maintaining all registrations for the Club, and for submitting the Membership lists of the Club to Skate Canada as required.  The Registrar shall work with the Treasurer to collect and record all registration fees, as appropriate for each skating program.

By-Law 21:  The Accounts shall perform the duties as herein set out in By-Law  14.

By-Law 22:  The members of the Executive, members and chairmen of committees, and the Delegates to Skate Canada must be members in good standing of the Club, be registered as Associate Members of the Skate Canada, be of legal age, and be eligible persons, with the exception of the Coaching Representative, as defined by Skate Canada Rules.

By-Law 23:  A majority of the Executive shall be Canadian citizens within the meaning of the Canadian Citizenship Act.

By-Law 24:  A quorum of the Executive for the transaction of business at Executive meetings shall consist of fifty (50) percent plus 1 of the members of the Executive and be an odd number.


By-Law 25:  The President shall appoint standing committee chairmen who shall look after the duties assigned to them.  All Committee Chairmen must submit the names of their committee members to the President for approval.


By-Law 26:  This committee shall be responsible for planning the ice requirements and scheduling for all sessions and test days of the Club.  This committee shall also be responsible for the supervision of the skating sessions, and for the preparation and enforcement of rules governing behaviour on or around the skating surface.


By-Law  27:  This committee shall be responsible for the arranging and supervising of all tests ( in consultation with the appointed referees ), and for obtaining judges, evaluators and/or adjudicators for Skate Canada Tests and Competitions, keeping records of Tests, preparing Test records to forward to Skate Canada and for the encouragement of potential Skate Canada judges.  In addition, this committee shall assist and promote Judge Schools and Clinics, and assist the Section Judges Chairman.


By-Law 28:  This committee shall be responsible for the arranging and supervising of the Club Competition, keeping track of eligible skaters’ competition levels, preparing records to be forwarded to Interclub Competitions and/or C.O.S.I.C. and/or All-Ontario Competitions, and notifying skaters and coaches of regional competitions which might be of interest to members.  A sub-committee shall arrange for a Junior Club Competition to be held annually for those not yet eligible for Club Competition.


By-Law 29:  This committee shall arrange for music at Club sessions, purchase tapes, records or CD’s, as approved by the Executive, and ensure, where appropriate, that Skate Canada or other suitable dance recordings are available for practice and tests.


By-Law 30:  This committee shall promote all activities of the Club, through advertising, newspaper reports, local cable TV, and any other means of publicizing events happening within the Club.  They will be responsible for the publishing and distribution of registration information, including the Club brochure.


By-Law 31:  This committee shall be responsible for promoting and organizing sessions for all Club recreational skating programs, in consultation with the Club’s coaching staff.  The committee may conduct skater/parent orientation sessions, arrange for suitable Professional s and/or Professional Assistants to instruct group lessons, co-ordinate the Professional Assistants Development System and select potential eligible skaters to attend the CANSKATE clinics.  It is also charged with ordering recreational program supplies, maintaining skaters progress reports, ensuring proper licensing policies and procedures are followed if the Club offers CANPOWERSKATE programs, and offering well organized, high quality, standardized recreational programs that are fun for participants, coaches and volunteers.


By-Law 32:  This committee is responsible for all social activities of the Club.  Disbursements shall be submitted to the Treasurer at regular intervals.  They will be responsible for food and drink provided to evaluators, judges and any guests during Test and Competition days, and also for the care and management of the “Club” room.


By-Law 33:  This committee shall be responsible for the planning and production of the Club Carnival.  Unless otherwise planned, the Club Carnival occurs every two years.


By-Law 34:  Each committee shall meet promptly after the Annual General Meeting in order to submit their programs, budgets and committee rules for the coming season to the Executive not later than the August monthly meeting.  The budget set by the said committees and accepted by the Board of Directors shall not be exceeded without specific approval of the Executive.

By-Law 35:  Each committee chairman shall file with the Secretary a prepared set of minutes covering each committee meeting, at the following Executive meeting.

By-Law 36:  No committee shall have power to incur any expenditure on behalf of the Club until such expenditure has been ratified by the Executive.

By-Law 37:  a) Voluntary:  Any officer or member of the Board of Directors wishing to resign shall notify the Secretary in writing before relinquishing his/her duties.

b) Compulsory: Any elected officer failing to perform his/her duties to the satisfaction of the Club may be removed from office by a majority vote of the members present at a general meeting called for that purpose.

c) Compulsory: Any elected officer failing to attend three con- secutive board meetings without due cause, will be removed from office.

By-Law 38: 

a) Voluntary: Any member wishing to resign shall notify the Secretary in writing.

b) Compulsory: Any member falling sixty days or more in arrears of fees or any other charges, shall, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be deemed to have forfeited his/her membership in the Club; but such forfeiture shall not relieve the member from liability for payment of any charges incurred for Club services.

c) Suspension: The Board of Directors shall have the authority to suspend a member’s membership for an indefinite period due to conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Club.    


 By-Law 39:  The powers and duties of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:

1)     to supervise generally the activities of the Club

2)     to pass on disbursements of the Club monies

3)     to pass upon all membership applications

4)     to prepare the agenda for the general and annual meetings of the Club

5)     to meet for the transaction of business once each month during the skating season

6)     to hire and supervise, as deemed necessary, staff to assist the Board in the operation of the Club.  The Board shall clearly define the role of the staff.  Staff need not be a member of Skate Canada.  Remuneration shall be set by a majority vote of the Board, and his/her performance shall be assessed regularly.


By-Law 40:            

a)  The Annual General Meetings of the Club shall be held during the month of April at a location to be designated at a time and date determined by the Board of Directors.

b)      At the Annual General Meeting, a full report of the activities of the Club for the year shall be presented by the President.

c)       Election of Directors shall be held during the Annual General Meeting as outlined by By-Law 41.

d)      A quorum for an Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting shall be 15% of the eligible voting members.

By-Law 41:  Voting for Club Elections or on any matter pertaining to skating shall be restricted to eligible Club members who are registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada and of legal age and to Special Members of the Club voting on behalf of their children, who are members of the Club and registered as Associate Members of Skate Canada.  Special Members shall be restricted to one vote per family, regardless of how many children are in the family.  Voting on Board of Director Elections shall be by secret ballot, and a simple majority shall elect a candidate.  Voting on other matters may be by a show of hands.

By-Law 42:  General Meetings of the Club shall be called from time to time by the Secretary on the instructions of the Board of Directors, or the President.

By-Law 43:  A Special Meeting of the Club shall be called by the President at any time upon request signed by not less than ten (10 ) voting members in good standing.  The purpose for which any Special Meeting is called shall be stated in the Notice.

By-Law 44:  Notices of any meeting of the Club shall be sufficient if notification is given to the members at least seven ( 7 ) days before the date of the meeting.  The notice shall include the time and place of the meeting.  Notices of all Annual General Meetings and Special Meetings shall include the Agenda, full details of any proposed amendments to these By-Laws, and a complete list of the candidates nominated for elections.

By-Law 45:  Any member of the Club, in good standing, may propose an amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws of the Club.  This proposal must be submitted in writing to the Executive of the Club, and shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting at least 21 days after the date of submission.  Amendments may be made at any General or Special Meeting by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds (2/3) of the eligible voting members present, provided the proposed amendment is embodied in the Notice calling the Meeting at which the amendment is to be considered.  No amendment to the Constitution or By-Laws of the Club shall be accepted from the floor at any meeting.

By-Law 46:  By-Laws may be enacted or amended by a majority vote of the Executive whenever required.  Such By-Laws or amendments must be presented at the next general meeting for ratification; if they fail to be ratified, they will cease to be effective, and may not be re-enacted by the Executive for one calendar year.  All amendments become effective immediately following the Annual General Meeting if they are passed, unless the motion of amendment specifies otherwise.  All such amendments shall be submitted to the National Office of Skate Canada.  Skate Canada reserves the right of refusal of any amendment.  Such refusal shall only be made if the intent of such amendment is to violate in principle, or spirit, any Skate Canada rule.

By-Law 47:  Members having suggestions or complaints shall register them in writing with the Secretary of the Club.  These shall be dealt with by the Board of Directors at the next scheduled Executive, General or Special Meeting of the Club.


By-Law 48:  The order of business of all Executive Meetings of the Club shall be as follows:

1)      Calling of the meeting to order

2)      Quorum

3)      Approval of the Minutes

4)      Reading of Club Correspondence

5)      Treasurer’s Report

6)      Reports of Committees

7)      Unfinished Business

8)      New Business

9)      Adjournment

By-Law 49:  The order of business at the Annual General Meeting or Special Meeting of the Club shall be as follows:

1)      Calling of the meeting to order

2)      Quorum

3)      Approval of Minutes of the preceding General or Special Meeting

4)      Confirmation of the actions taken by the Executive

5)      Secretary’s Report

6)      Treasurer’s Report

7)      Other Reports

8)      Election of Executive Officers and Members

9)      Amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws

10) Appointment of Auditors

11) Adjournment


On ____(day)________of ___(month)_____19__(year)__

Signed  ____________________________  (President) 

Date  ______________

Signed  ______________________


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